Peter McKay is a Somatic Psychotherapist practicing in the Melbourne CBD and online. His therapeutic approach is characterised by a gentle and supportive manner, informed by a diverse range of theories including Somatics, Contemporary Trauma Theory, Self Psychology, Intersubjective Systems Theory, Interpersonal Neurobiology and Relational Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. In addition, Peter, uses the Comprehensive Resource Model (CRM) to address complex trauma if required.
Peter's eclectic methodology assists his diverse client base ranging from young adults to septuagenarians and is particularly effective in assisting caregivers with family dynamic challenges. He also designs and facilitates courses for children, focusing on enhancing body awareness, emotional regulation, and executive functioning.
Peter’s academic credentials include a Bachelor of Arts, a Graduate Diploma of Training and Development, a Certificate of Embodied Relational Dynamics, and a Diploma of Contemporary Somatic Psychotherapy. He is also trained in Brainspotting, Comprehensive Resource Model (CRM) and in Psychoanalytic Study of Subjectivity. He is a clinical member of IARPP and PACFA. Peter has presented papers at various IARPP international conferences.